
Why should I feed starter feeds?

Through extensive and global independent trial work, we know that feeding complex, highly digestible starter diets increases nursery growth performance. This improved early performance is continued across the lifetime of the pig.

What are the advantages of creep feeding?

There are multiple advantages of creep feeding, proven in many independent trials, including improved weaning weight, improved post-weaning ADG and improved post-weaning performance.

Introducing piglets to solid feed prior to weaning helps the piglets' gut adapt to nutrients not found in milk, initiates important digestive and immunological developments, and additionally provides supplemental nutrition to aid the sow

Creep feeding also impacts lifetime performance – an extra 1kg out of the nursery gives an extra 4.3kg in slaughter weight, or 5 days less to reach market weight (Primary Diets trials at Harper Adams, 2016-17).

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